This website is made by four students of the Master Public History at the University of Amsterdam in November and December 2013. We would like to thank the people that supported us in creating this online exhibition.
Project Management, Script, Visuals, Web Design:
Dorothée Ramaekers
Koen Molenaars
Michel Lemaire
Laura Piek
Dr. Manon Parry, Assistant Professor Public History
Special Thanks to:
Paul Verheij, interviewee
Paul van Riel Photography
Sjoerd Ter Borg, interviewee
Technical Support:
Irene van Herten, editing interview movies
Regina Rijpkema, Master student journalism
Eddo Kloosterman, software engineer
This Website is made possible by:
The International Institute for Social History
The National Archive The Hague and Spaarnestad Photo (
Esther Crabbendam, Nina van Douwen en Coen Turk, ASVA Student Union
Annemarie de Wildt, curator of the Amsterdam Museum
Gertie Starmans, proofreading script
Martijn de Visser, feedback design
Wietse de Graaf, ICT support University of Amsterdam
For more information and contact, you can email us.

Background picture (Spui Square); Courtesy of Michel Lemaire.
Header picture ‘Home’ (Occupiers entering the Maagdenhuis via the enforced airbridge); Courtesy of Paul van Riel.
Picture button ‘Home’; idem.
Header picture ‘The Maagdenhuis Occupation’ (Occupiers being dragged out the builing by police men); Courtesy of NL-HaNA, ANEFO / neg. stroken, 1945-1989,, bestandeelnummer 922-4421, licentie CC-BY-SA.
Picture button ‘The Maagdenhuis Occupation’ (Occupiers hanging from the window); Courtesy of NL-HaNA, ANEFO / neg. stroken, 1945-1989,, bestandeelnummer 922-4331, licentie CC-BY-SA.
Header picture ‘Your Protest Story’; Courtesy of ASVA.
Picture button ‘Your Protest Story’; Courtesy of ASVA.